How Much would it Cost to Install an
Electric Car Charger?
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Read more about how to install a charger
Reference the case study for even more details
Installing an electric vehicle (EV) Charger at your hotel is generally simple and doesn’t cost much. EV Chargers also cost very little to run, but provide for a tremendous incentive for EV drivers to stay at your hotel. Hotels all over the world are adding low cost chargers to successfully attract more hotel guests. The cost model for EV Chargers is often considered to be very comparable to other services offered such as WiFi. Would a guest with a tablet or smartphone stay at your hotel if you din’t have WiFi? Currently, the best selling luxury car in the United States is a fully electric vehicle and luxury cars are a strong indicator of tomorrow’s mid-range cars. The trends clearly show the number of electric vehicles is increasing rapidly.
Purely for informational purposes. Costs will vary by region, property, energy costs, labor costs, and contractual obligations among others.

Local Permits
Approximately $100
Building permits may be required by your local county office for electrical work

Approximately $1,000
Charger unit: can typically be purchased for around $500
Stand or panel/bracket mounting hardware
Connections to hotel power supply panel
Electrician design and labor costs
Reductions may be obtained through local or federal renewable energy incentives

Running Cost
Approximately $3.00 per charge
Power supplied to charger plug (10A, 15A, 20A)
Average time cars draw power (battery capacity and battery level of cars coming in to charge)
Lower rates may be offered by local power company for time of use or renewable energy incentives
Charging the guests a nominal fee is optional
Return on Investment
Fictional Example
A typical example situation of a 100 room hotel may be as follows:
A charger is installed for a total installation cost of $1,000. The charger attracts an additional 8 cars a month equating to $960 extra dollars of revenue per month @ $120/night. The delivered electricity cost is $17.60 a month @ $2.20 per car (see below for electricity cost comparisons).
Assuming a gross margin of 40%, the electric vehicle business adds $384 per month to the gross margin and therefore the breakeven point to cover the $1,000 installation cost is 21 electric cars or just under 3 months.
This example uses fictional assumptions and the actual ROI will depend upon many variables including costs, prices, and electric cars served.

Providing an electric car charger for guests is a comparable or less cost to other common appliances used in the hotel for the guests.